Clarity Power Purpose and Mission Statement
We at Clarity Power are inspired by those who overcame diversity or found inner strength to advance their life in the face of adversity.
Mission to Eradicate bullying
One of Clarity Power Coaching’s mission is to eradicate bullying in all social environments – schools, organizations, teams, or societies. Clarity Power is offering our expertise and resources to help anyone who is exposed to bullying or wants to help those who are being bullied.
We also accept donations which will be used to promote our anti-bullying program and make it available to public and private schools and any organization or workplace who might benefit from this resource. We are very thankful to everyone who already donated because you are indirectly participating in this worthy cause.
Mission to Empower Youth and Children
Children and Young Adults are the most vulnerable part of population. They are not fully developed human beings and they are exposed to situations that can create significant struggles, or even a lasting mental damage in their adult lives. By informing and educating parents, guardians, teachers, and anyone who is in position to make impact on a child’s or young adult’s life, we are making our part in creating a better future for them and better quality of life for everyone.
Mission to Clarify limiting beliefs
We all have limiting or negative beliefs which are preventing us to reach our full potential. Clarity Power Coaching is on a mission to educate individuals and make them aware of those limiting beliefs. Each person deserves to have a life lived in peace and joy while contributing to the mankind in their full potential, creating a better life for everyone and being cherished and recognized for their positive contribution through their unique gifts, talents, and abilities.
Mission to Create a Better Future for Everyone
Understanding is Power, and many individuals are not aware that they have the power to change, improve, and control their lifes. The reason for the lack of understanding is that many people grew up in a conditions that are in psychology and psychiatry known as “learned helplessness”.
Just by understanding that someone was exposed to a condition of learned helplessness can be so powerful that can lead to epiphany and life-changing realization. Our mission is to bring that understanding to as many people as possible and create an awareness movement to eradicate learned helplessness from our lives and create environment for growth and prosperity.
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Mission to reduce number of suicides
Each of above missions is partially contributing to someone’s decision to commit a suicide. Situation becomes especially dangerous if there are two or more of contributing factors coming together and creating unbearable conditions for a person to cope with, and sending them to a path of devastation, desperation, and ultimately, to self-destruction.
Most suicides can be prevented simply by raising the awareness to the signs that are usually hidden, misunderstood, or unrecognized by majority of us. Here are the most common signs that someone is thinking about committing a suicide.
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